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Osvaldo R, USA, Enero 2023 Testimonios - Heaven On Earth

  28/01/2023  València - Casa Reina

The apartment is perfect for a couple or a couple with a child. It is well appointed, comfortable, in a nice neighborhood with several cafes, restaurants, a very interesting bookstore with books in several languages including rare first editions (La Batisfera). The property is located a few blocks from the beach and from a large supermarket (Mercadona) and the Cabanyal market where you will find everything you may need to prepare a delicious meal. Bus #19 stop is just a few yards from the apartment (it will take to Valencia downtown and mains tractions). Regarding airport transportation to the apartment, you can take the metro #5 to Marítima and from there you can walk or take the tram (# 6 or 8) that leaves from Marítima. By the way, Pilar -the property manager- will respond your queries immediately, a significant plus


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